Key learnings from 21NTC: Expert voices on the issues that matter

At the end of March, New/Mode Campaign Advisor Aaron Brunmeier attended 21NTC, hosted by NTEN. Following a year that saw global upheaval over a..


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.
Jun 11, 2021


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.

It’s Black History Month, but what are we really celebrating?

Every year right before the start of Black History Month I start to reflect on what it’s like being black in this country. And I can honestly say..
Shanel Wade

Shanel Wade

Shanel has always been a very vocal advocate for people of color, the LGBTQIA2 community and any other marginalized group of people.
Shanel Wade
Feb 25, 2021

Shanel Wade

Shanel has always been a very vocal advocate for people of color, the LGBTQIA2 community and any other marginalized group of people.

Campaign spotlight: Protecting 🇺🇸 elections and democracy now

2021 has gotten off to a rough start, but campaigners across the US and Canada are ready. 2020 all but wore us down. Rather, we’re seeing that..


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.
Jan 11, 2021


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.

Checklist ☑️ Advocacy Lessons from the 2020 U.S. Election

We sat down with leading strategists from the electoral, advocacy, and technology spaces who played key roles in creating change throughout the..


Product Marketing Lead @New/Mode - Marketer, Bibliophile, Café habitué.
Dec 10, 2020


Product Marketing Lead @New/Mode - Marketer, Bibliophile, Café habitué.

🎥 Webinar: Beyond Nov 3rd: Advocacy strategy for the days ahead

Whether it’s a contested result or a flat-out refusal to transfer power, our communities will be a powerful force when called to act in the coming..


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.
Nov 16, 2020


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.

4 groups mobilizing on issues ahead of the U.S. election

Voting in the U.S. election is well underway. While we’re anxious for November 3rd (😬), we’re finding comfort in the actions that community groups,..
Rachel Phan

Rachel Phan

潘美美, best known by her Anglo name Rachel Phan, is a writer based in Toronto.
Rachel Phan
Oct 29, 2020

Rachel Phan

潘美美, best known by her Anglo name Rachel Phan, is a writer based in Toronto.

⏩ Act fast: How groups are responding to Justice Ginsburg’s death

On Friday, September 18, we were all stunned by the news of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing. Justice Ginsburg was a trailblazer..
Rachel Phan

Rachel Phan

潘美美, best known by her Anglo name Rachel Phan, is a writer based in Toronto.
Rachel Phan
Sep 29, 2020

Rachel Phan

潘美美, best known by her Anglo name Rachel Phan, is a writer based in Toronto.

📢 Action Round-up: Demand Senators Wait to Replace Justice Ginsburg

The loss of trailblazing Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a true champion of civil rights and gender equality, is one we’ll be collectively..


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.
Sep 21, 2020


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.

🎯 Target 2020 U.S. candidates ahead of elections

To make your digital campaigning even easier and more effective ahead of the most important U.S. elections of our lives, New/Mode has added datasets..
Rachel Phan

Rachel Phan

潘美美, best known by her Anglo name Rachel Phan, is a writer based in Toronto.
Rachel Phan
Aug 6, 2020

Rachel Phan

潘美美, best known by her Anglo name Rachel Phan, is a writer based in Toronto.

Democracy under threat: Portland is a clarion call to mobilize

Like many of you, the entire New/Mode team is deeply concerned and alarmed by what’s unfolding in Portland. As Trump continues to deploy militarized..


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.
Jul 24, 2020


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.

Case Study: Activating Grassroots Power for #NoWarWithIran

Photo credit Maria Oswalt on Unsplash


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.
Jan 14, 2020


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.

Beyond the Bomb: Mobilizing local communities on international issues

The Issue Imagine one person having the unilateral authority to launch a nuclear weapon and start a global nuclear war. Now imagine that person is..


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.
Apr 27, 2018


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.

Net Neutrality campaign floods congress with most phone calls ever 📞

The Issue Big cable and phone companies in the US have been trying to take away net neutrality for well over a decade now. The first big battles to..


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.
Feb 25, 2018


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.

Digital advocacy in the U.S. — Where are we at one year after the election?

Image Credit — The Indian Express Though it’s just been a year, it seems so long ago now that we woke up to a political reality few progressives..
Tom Liacas

Tom Liacas

Progressive power builder. Founding bottom-liner of Blueprints for Change + Senior Strategist at NetChange Consulting.
Tom Liacas
Nov 10, 2017

Tom Liacas

Progressive power builder. Founding bottom-liner of Blueprints for Change + Senior Strategist at NetChange Consulting.