Fighting Back Against the Far-Right 📽️ US, UK & European perspectives



New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.
May 26, 2021


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.

What can digital campaigners learn from the midterms?

By Steve Anderson, Co-Founder & Chief Strategist at New/Mode


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.
Nov 12, 2018


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.

What we learned from supporting 1,402 progressive advocacy campaigns

For too long effective digital advocacy tools have only been accessible to those with big budgets or special access to tech talent. Building from our..
Steve Anderson

Steve Anderson

Steve Anderson is the co-founder and chief strategist for New/Mode — a values-based platform that provides targeted online engagement tools.
Steve Anderson
Mar 20, 2018

Steve Anderson

Steve Anderson is the co-founder and chief strategist for New/Mode — a values-based platform that provides targeted online engagement tools.

New/Mode’s Contribution to a Values-Based Web

It’s difficult to overstate the threat to our democracy from the trifecta of fake news scandals, online bots and platform censorship.
Steve Anderson

Steve Anderson

Steve Anderson is the co-founder and chief strategist for New/Mode — a values-based platform that provides targeted online engagement tools.
Steve Anderson
Feb 1, 2018

Steve Anderson

Steve Anderson is the co-founder and chief strategist for New/Mode — a values-based platform that provides targeted online engagement tools.

Digital advocacy in the U.S. — Where are we at one year after the election?

Image Credit — The Indian Express Though it’s just been a year, it seems so long ago now that we woke up to a political reality few progressives..
Tom Liacas

Tom Liacas

Progressive power builder. Founding bottom-liner of Blueprints for Change + Senior Strategist at NetChange Consulting.
Tom Liacas
Nov 10, 2017

Tom Liacas

Progressive power builder. Founding bottom-liner of Blueprints for Change + Senior Strategist at NetChange Consulting.

Collaborating for a better future: New/Mode’s Report back from Netroots Nation 2017

New/Mode was in the thick of things in Atlanta last month at the 2017 edition of Netroots Nation, arguably the country’s foremost event for..


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.
Sep 15, 2017


New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps causes, orgs and movements activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns.