New/Mode’s advocacy & civic engagement platform helps…
A 10-step guide to networked campaigns
Working collaboratively, organizations, advocacy groups, communities, citizen activists and public supporters are winning campaigns on the biggest issues of our time — climate and environmental protection, gender equity, nuclear disarmament, workers rights, living wages, internet censorship, voter mobilization, and much more.
Many of the largest progressive campaigns in the world, mobilizing millions of people, are using networks to build powerful and sustainable movements that actually influence public policy or key decision-makers.
Thanks to advances in digital communications and advocacy tools, paired with more learning and training opportunities for progressive campaigners, it’s easier than ever to embrace networked campaign approaches.
Here’s how to get started:

New/Mode and NationBuilder are excited to release a brand new guide to support progressive campaigners through the planning, execution and winning (!) stages of networked campaigning.
Download the 10-step guide
Embracing the Network: How to build a powerfully collaborative campaign.
This new guide builds off the Full Spectrum Engagement framework that New/Mode released in June, with support from over 30 movement partners.
You asked for actionable resources — and we listened!
Key learning outcomes from, Embracing the Network: How to build a powerfully collaborative campaign.
1. Setting shared campaign goals and writing unity statements
2. Knowing what kind of network you need
3. Getting buy-in and creating your outreach team
4. Kicking-off your campaign using networked principles
5. Coordinating and supporting movement partners
Get your copy today!
Embracing the Network: How to build a powerfully collaborative campaign was developed collaboratively by New/Mode and NationBuilder.
About New/Mode :
New/Mode’s advocacy and engagement tools help progressive campaigners activate grassroots power, reach decision-makers and win campaigns. Learn more:
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