Get Ready for the Alberta Elections!

One reason modern advocacy campaigners rely on New/Mode is because we provide the most accurate, complete and effective political rep database. It's one way we make sure your voice is impossible to ignore.
The Alberta general election is fast approaching and we want to help you get involved. Starting on March 31st, New/Mode will be offering access to email and Twitter candidate datasets. Thanks to Becky from PointBlank for helping us build this database.
Updates will be made on a regular basis as candidates are announced and their contact information is publicized. You can use the party leaders as a fall back target for candidates who have not shared their information.
Get a start on your campaigning now and make the most of our powerful campaigning tools and dataset.
Here’s a campaign example from the recent Ontario provincial election calling on candidates to address the issue of homelessness in the province.
If you do not currently have an active New/Mode subscription we'd love to help you get access to our platform.
We're here to help your supporters demand better of our representatives - both present and future.
Here's some powerful use cases for candidate datasets:1. Vote Pledges: Asking voters to pledge who they will cast their ballot for is a powerful, low-barrier action that motivates supporters to take the first step on their user engagement journey/campaigns to learn where to focus their electoral communications.
Traditional “symbolic” vote pledges can have low participation rates because people get excited and engaged when they’re directly connected to their candidates.
This is where New/Mode candidate contact data shines. The New/Mode platform can increase supporter engagement and add powerful message amplification to your pledge campaigns by sending your supporter pledges and a custom message directly to their local candidates.
For example, every supporter who pledges could send the following to all their local candidates:
“I pledge to vote for climate action! If I vote for you, how will you act on this critical issue?”
Get your supporters directly engaged with the candidates, and also get the additional benefit of getting your policy priorities in front of candidates that will form the next government. 2. Getting on the policy agenda: We’ve seen in the past that candidates (including incumbent politicians) are more open to hearing the concerns of their constituents during electoral campaigns. Why? Because candidates need your vote. This is when politicians are most vulnerable to democratic input.
Maximize the influence of your community by having your supporters email local candidates, get their letters published in local newspapers and send them public messages on social media.
Secure a policy commitment from candidates or political parties during the election, then follow up after the election to hold elected representatives accountable! As is the case with impactful campaigning in general, long-term regular (monthly or more) engagement with political targets is essential. 3. Helping values-aligned candidates connect with supportive voters: One non-partisan but impactful way we can make change is by supporting politicians who align with your values and policy agenda. It’s a lot easier to make policy changes when the politicians in power are aligned with our values.
When your supporters reach out to local candidates to urge them to take on your position on an issue, that helps values-aligned candidates learn about voters that support them. They can then let those voters know they are aligned on policy and the voter may even volunteer with their campaign.
Check out our support article for more information!
*PS. Do you want to help shape the future of New/Mode. Sign up to test the new product experiences we're working on. You can see a little sneak peak of what it looks like below.
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