Product Marketing Lead @New/Mode - Marketer,…
Salut, France! 🇲🇫
Here at New/Mode, we’re on a mission to empower real people and communities to influence the decisions that impact their lives. We’re working to make sure that our platform can be used in every jurisdiction – around the world. In that pursuit, we’re proud to announce that New/Mode is now fully available in France!
Our comprehensive multi-channel advocacy and civic engagement platform works in every country with a functioning democratic system of government. However, some jurisdictions have access to more extensive features, and we're trying to expand the full functionality to as many locations as possible. We recognize that campaigners and strategists looking to do effective digital advocacy work turn to New/Mode, and we don’t want your geography to be a limiting factor.
Our France platform is crafted with French campaigners in mind, but will also embody what’s loved by campaigners elsewhere:
- the most accurate and up-to-date datasets needed for campaigns to be effective
- seamless integration with your current technology stack to enable integrated and scalable campaigns
- language support to engage local and global communities
Our platform enables you to drive personalized communications at scale by giving your advocates multiple engagement channels, a choice of messages, the ability to randomize paragraphs-all generated through a simple form! When government officials receive thousands of messages a week, yours will stand out as personalized and detailed on the issues that matter to your organization.
Campaigners across France will also have access to:
- A comprehensive call and email contact database for all Députés of the Assemblée Nationale
- A database of Twitter handles for those officials
- A petition tool that automatically emails petition statements to political targets (purely symbolic petitions are now rightly seen as ineffective and outdated)
- “Letters to Editors” to leading local and national media to enhance campaign visibility and impact
(ICYMI: Progressive French campaigners have already been using our LTE tool to make media more accessible to their communities)
Furthermore, you will be equipped with GDPR compliant privacy protection tools, putting confidentiality at the heart of your campaigns and allowing you to manage communication consents. Our tools have powered some of this generation's most historic campaigns around the world to activate grassroots support, reach decision-makers, and win on the issues. Check out how ‘Protect Our Winters EU’ is using our email and tweet tools to lead the way on Paris Agreement goals. ‘Every Doctor UK' used our tools to advocate rights for health care workers, and Trade Union Congress is using them to power their #SickPayForAll campaign.
We’re really excited to have partnered with our friends at Protect Our Winters to make our platform fully available in France. Thanks to their investment and collaboration, any New/Mode client in France can connect their supporters directly to their own elected officials. France joins the list of regions we offer comprehensive services to including Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, and the US. We'll soon be able to support campaigns in more EU countries, so stay tuned to our blog for exciting product announcements.
If you’re interested in learning more about our French datasets and how New/Mode can help you reach more levels of government in France, drop us a line down below or connect with one of our Campaign Advisors today.
The first 10 organizations that subscribe to New/Mode in France will receive a 20% discount!
À Bientôt!
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