潘美美, best known by her Anglo name Rachel Phan, is a…
📢 COVID-19 Action Round-up: Digital Campaigns You Can Participate in Right Now

The New/Mode team is amazed and inspired by the way our community of subscribers has jumped into action to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
To make it easier for people to mobilize and act on the urgent needs arising from this global crisis, we’ve compiled a round-up of all COVID-19-related campaigns. ⬇️ Note: This list was last updated on May 4, 2020 and will no longer be updated. If you're interested in launching your own campaign, book a demo or send us an email!
United States 🇺🇸
- Petition to Trump Administration and CDC: We Demand Coronavirus Testing Kits from the World Health Organization | Justice for All
- Call Your Member of Congress and Tell Them We Need Medicare for All Now More Than Ever | Our Revolution
- Urge Congress to Act Now to Protect Frontline Healthcare Providers Managing COVID-19 | Justice for All
- #GetMePPE: Pass the Medical Supply Chain Emergency Act
Economic Relief
- Tweet Your Member of Congress and Demand a People’s Bailout | Indivisible Project
- Make Congress Put People First: No Bailouts for Wealthy Corporations! | Civic Ventures
- Tell the Senate to Pass Real Coronavirus Relief NOW | Bend the Arc: Jewish Action
- Tell Your Representative: Support the 5 Principles of a #PeoplesBailout | Sunrise Movement (Click to access email and tweet tools)
- Write Your Representatives: Support the 5 Principles of a #PeoplesBailout | People’s Bailout (Click to access call and letter-to-the-editor tools)
- Tell Congress: We Demand a Just and Fair COVID Response that Puts the Working Class First | Digital Left
- Urge Congress to Oppose a Bailout for the Polluting Cruise Industry | Stand.Earth
- Urge Congress to Include Public Aquariums, Zoos and Museums in COVID-19 Economic Relief Legislation | Aquarium Conservation Partnership
- Tweet at Your Representative: Cancel Rent and Mortgages to Ensure No One Goes into Debt Because of COVID-19 | Beyond Recovery
- Call Your Governor: Demand a Rent Moratorium Now | Working Families Party
- Tweet Your Governor: Immediately Suspend Evictions During COVID-19 Pandemic | New/Mode
- Tweet Your Rep and Demand Federal Action to Prevent Catastrophic Mass Displacement | People’s Action
Worker Rights and Protections
- Tell Congress to Pass Legislation to Protect All People During the Coronavirus Pandemic | PolicyLink
- Tell Congress Domestic Workers Need Relief!| National Domestic Workers Alliance
- Tweet Uber and Lyft: #TheGigIsUp| Gig Workers Matter
Voter and Public Safety
- Write a Letter to the Editor: I Support Urgent Voting Reforms During COVID-19 | Common Cause
- Tweet-At-Your-Representative: Make Sure Voting Rights Protections are Included in the Senate’s Coronavirus Package | Declaration for American Democracy
- Tweet at Your Senator: Protect Voters During the COVID-19 Crisis | Common Cause
- Email Congress Telling Them You Want All New Action on Public Lands Suspended During the National Emergency | Conservation Lands Foundation
International Relations
- Tell the Governor and CA Legislators: Protect and Support All Workers and Our Most Vulnerable | SEIU California
- SEIU California Members on the Frontlines of COVID-19: Share Your Story of How You’re Impacted by the Pandemic | SEIU California
- Tell the State Assembly to Support Fair and Equal Opportunity for All During Coronavirus Crisis | Opportunity for All Coalition
- Join the Idaho Democrats in Demanding an All Absentee Mail-in Ballot Election on May 19 to Slow the Spread of COVID-19 (Click to access call, email, tweet, and letter-to-the-editor tools)
New Jersey
New York
- Call Your Legislator and Gov. Cuomo: Protect Vulnerable New Yorkers in the Budget | NY Renews
- Call Your State Senator: #NoRollback on Bail Reform in New York During COVID-19 | People’s Action
- Individuals: Demand Immediate, Impactful, and Inclusive Economic Intervention in Washington | Civic Action
- Organizations: Demand Immediate, Impactful, and Inclusive Economic Intervention in Washington | Civic Action
Washington, D.C.
Canada 🇨🇦
- Take Action to Protect Healthcare Workers | Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (Also available in French)
- Tell the Federal Government to Strengthen Guidelines to Keep Canada’s Nurses and Healthcare Workers Safe During COVID-19 | Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions
- Tweet to Thank Your MP for Supporting Pharmacare in a Time of Crisis | Canadian Labour Congress (Also available in French)
Economic Relief
- Tell the Big Banks to Stop Gouging Canadians and Lower the Interest Rates on Credit Cards for the Duration of the COVID-19 Crisis | Canadian Labour Congress (Also available in French)
- Tweet Your Bank: Lower Credit Card Interest Rates FOR EVERYONE During COVID-19 | Canadian Labour Congress (Also available in French)
- Call or Email Your MP with Your Questions/Concerns About Canada’s Emergency Relief Benefit | UBI Works
- Tell Trudeau: Make the COVID-19 Emergency Benefit Universal for Everyone | North99
- The Hospitality Industry is in Crisis and Needs Immediate Support from All Levels of Government | SaveYourLocal.ca
- Email Your MP to Demand Removal of Barriers to CERB for Precarious Workers! | Canadian Union of Postal Workers
- Call on PM Trudeau and Your MP to Ensure Income Security for Post-secondary Students! | Canadian Federation of Students (Also available in French)
- Tweet Your MP: Income Supports for All Students & Recent Grads | Canadian Federation of Students (Also available in French)
- Petition: International Students Need COVID-19 Supports | Migrant Rights Network
- Help Seniors By Increasing OAS and CPP Payments During COVID-19 | North99
- Demand a COVID-19 Emergency Basic Income in Canada | UBI Works (Also available in French)
- Ask the Government to Implement an Emergency Universal Basic Income of At Least $1,000 Per Month | North99
- Tell the Federal Government to Make these 6 Changes to Income Supports During COVID-19 | Broadbent Institute
- Tell the Government to Include Charities, Nonprofits, and Social Enterprises in its Response to the Crisis | Imagine Canada (Also available in French)
- Tell the Government to Bailout Workers, Not Big Oil | North99
- Call Cabinet: We Need Income Supports for All| Migrant Rights Network
- Tell Our Elected Leaders to Help Freelancers During the Crisis | Canadian Freelance Union
- Call Morneau: No Bailout for Big Oil | Stand.Earth
- Tell the Government: Stop Banks Profiting Off of COVID-19 | North99
- Tell Federal and Provincial Governments: Cancel Rent Day in Canada | Cancel Rent Day
- Take Action Now and Demand Urgent Action — Eviction Freeze; Rent Flexibility; EI for all Workers; and Loan Relief | ACORN Canada (Also available in French)
- Demand Urgent Action: Rent Freeze/Suspension of Rent & End NSF Fees & Internet for All! | ACORN Canada (Also available in French)
- Sign the Petition: Cancel Mortgage and Rent Payments During COVID-19 | North99
- Call the Government and Demand a Rent and Mortgage Freeze | North99
- Tweet At Your Elected Official to Cancel Rent, Evictions, and Mortgages During COVID-19 | North99
Worker Rights and Protections
- Every Worker Deserves Paid Sick Leave | Canadian Labour Congress (Also available in French)
- Demand Paid Sick Leave and EI Benefits for All Workers During Coronavirus Pandemic | North 99
- Oil and Gas Workers Need Sensible Supports | Wilderness Committee
- Governments Must Support Workers During COVID-19 | United Steelworkers
- Tell the Government: To Flatten the Curve, Workers Need HELP Now | Fight for $15 & Fairness (Also available in French)
- Demand Amazon Give Fulfilment Centre Workers Protections During COVID-19 | Warehouse Workers Centre
- PSAC Members: Let Us Know Where You Work and How You’re Helping During the Pandemic | Public Service Alliance of Canada (Also available in French)
Public Safety
- We Need a Feminist Approach to COVID-19! | YWCA Canada
- Tell Federal and Provincial Leaders: Students Require Immediate Protections to Keep Ourselves and Our Communities Safe in the Face of COVID-19 | Canadian Federation of Students (Also available in French)
- Tell Your Institutions: Students Require Immediate Protection to Keep Ourselves and Our Communities Safe in the Face of COVID-19 | Canadian Federation of Students (Also available in French)
- Contain COVID, Not People: No One is Disposable | Criminalization and Punishment Education Project
Environment and Wildlife
International Relations
- End the Blockade of Gaza: Unconscionable for 16 Years, a Death Sentence with Coronavirus | CJPME (Also available in French)
- Call on Canada to Welcome Refugees | Amnesty International Canada
- Tell Trudeau: Don’t Forget the Most Vulnerable During the Coronavirus Crisis | CJPME (Also available in French)
- Call on Canada to Help Prevent COVID-19’s Devastating Impact on Refugee and Displaced Children, and the Elderly on the World’s Margins | World Vision Canada
- Tell Premiers to Protect Our Health Heroes! | Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (Also available in French)
- Tell Your Premier to Ban Evictions During the Coronavirus Pandemic | North99
- Write to Your MLA and Demand Paid Sick Leave Now | Progress Alberta
- Tell the UCP: Stop Firing Workers During a Global Pandemic | Alberta Federation of Labour
- Call Your MLA and Stop the Education Lay-offs During COVID-19| The Alberta Teachers’ Association
- Call Your MLA and Tell Them You Oppose the Lay-offs of 20,000 Education Workers During COVID-19 | UNIFOR
- Kenney’s Cuts to Education Are Making the COVID-19 Crisis Worse| CUPE Alberta
British Columbia
- Help Us Pressure Government to Recognize the Work of Community Health Home Support Workers During the COVID-19 Crisis | UFCW 1518
- Demand Childcare Support for ALL Frontline Workers (Grocery, Pharmacy, Industrial Food Processing, and Home Care Workers), Who are Carrying Our Communities Through the COVID-19 Crisis | UFCW 1518
- Tell Your Rep that You Support Keeping Our Grocery and Pharmacy Store Workers Safe During COVID-19 | UFCW 1518
- Petition: House the Homeless in Hotels Now! | COPE Vancouver
- Ask the BC Government to Do More to Combat the Cruel and Dangerous Wildlife Trade, the Likely Source of COVID-19 | Vancouver Humane Society
- Protecting Nurses and Healthcare Workers Protects Us All | Manitoba Nurses Union
- Call on the Manitoba Government to Implement Paid Sick Days During the COVID-19 Pandemic | CUPE Manitoba
Nova Scotia
- Demand Personal Protective Equipment for Healthcare Workers on Frontline of COVID-19 | SEIU Healthcare
- Ensure Healthcare Professionals Have Proper Personal Protective Equipment, Including N95s |Ontario Nurses’ Association
- Petition: Stop Ford’s Cuts to Public Health | Progress Toronto
Economic Relief
- Email Your MPP: Rent Subsidies Now! | Ontario New Democratic Party
- Ottawa: Demand Bylaw Hold Negligent Landlords Accountable During COVID-19 | ACORN Canada
Worker Rights and Protections
- Support Rideau-Carleton Casino Workers During Shutdown | Public Service Alliance of Canada (Also available in French)
- OLG: Do What’s Best for Workers During the Pandemic | UNIFOR (Also available in French)
- Support Casino Woodbine Workers | Public Service Alliance of Canada
Public Safety
- Ottawans: Demand Safe Outdoor Access for Pedestrians and Cyclists During the COVID-19 Crisis | Ecology Ottawa
- Ontario Needs an Emergency Child Care Plan in Response to COVID-19 | Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care
- Give Ontario Prisoners Access to Free Phone Calls | Criminalization and Punishment Education Project
- Stop the Layoffs of Casino Regina Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Public Service Alliance of Canada — Prairie Region
- Email the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan: Support UNIFOR 594 During COVID-19 | UNIFOR 594
United Kingdom 🇬🇧
- Ask Your MP to Ensure the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Works for Nurseries and Pre-schools | Early Years Alliance
- Ask Your MP to Protect Childminder Wages During the Coronavirus Outbreak | Early Years Alliance
- Tell the UK Government #SickPayForAll: Guarantee Decent Sick Pay for Every Worker | Trades Union Congress
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